The secret of having a flawless, gorgeous, young looking skin.

I always follow a good skin care regiment at home, no matter how tired and lazy I feel.  I find it crucial to clean my face every day and every night with products the combine the best of science and nature with PH correct.  The skin is a living, powerful, and unchanging organ, as well as the second largest functioning organ of the body.  Skin protects by preventing bacteria, germs, and pollutants from entering the blood stream.  Everything we put on our skin is absorbed like a sponge and goes through every vital organ.  If you ever have a suspicious looking mole, you should immediate visit a specialist like, Plantation Skin Cancer Surgery, to make sure it is not cancer. Our skin breaths our waste and toxins, and takes in oxygen, moisture and nutrients.  Toxins are playing a big piece in our health and are particularly being linked to cancers. I extremely recommend to be very selective with what you decide to put in your skin every day, your body deserves the best and ultimately you will look and feel great.

Cooking Herbs That Reduce Bloat

There is a lot of truth to that old saying that food is medicine. There are some everyday herbs that have very potent actions on the body. For instance, if you find yourself experiencing bloating form overeating, heat exhaustion, menstruation or menopause there are some foods that are known for helping you eliminate the excess water.

Here is a list of the top herbs that really help to reduce bloating and edema (water retention.)

Alfalfa Sprouts – Aside from being an effective diuretic, alfalfa alkalizes and detoxifies the body.  It also eases inflammation and helps cranky women have balanced hormones.

Burdock – This is tough root that is best steamed or baked but it is a very effective diuretic that purifies the blood, restores liver function and helps the immune system. If you suffer from gout because of drinking or an addiction, burdock root or leaves drunk in a hot tea can really help you remedy the problem.

Chamomile Tea – if you are feeling both bloated and stressed than chamomile tea is a good remedy as it helps calm you while cleaning out your kidneys. Chamomile also helps remedy headaches and insomnia.  However, if you have a known allergy to ragweed you may not want to eat this herb, as it is technically a member of the ragweed family.

Dandelion –  You can do just about anything with dandelion. You can steam it, stir-fry it, put it in soup or eat it raw. It is a very effective restorative for the liver and blood purifier.

Fennel – Fennel is a mild diuretic that is very effective if you also suffer from digestion.  You can drink a tea made from the seeds or leaves or eat the vegetable sliced up and then steamed, broiled or boiled.

Mustard Greens _ Mustard greens add an amazing spicy element to stir-fries and salads. Mustard greens helps relieve inflammation as well as eliminate any bloating in the body.

Turmeric – This spice gives curry its yellow color. Aside from being a mild diuretic it also protects the liver from many toxins. It also has antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

Sometimes all you have to do to affect a cure is eat the right foods.  For an extra boost of effectiveness trying eating these foods raw or juiced.

Another good thing about these herbs is that they are non-toxic, meaning you can eat a lot of them and not suffer any ill effects.   You can put them in salads, sandwiches or just add them to soups or any recipe that you like.

Benefits of the Paleo Diet


The Paleo Diet is also known as the caveman diet with good reason: it’s based on the diet that our primal ancestors. While there are some cons to the Paelo Diet, there are also tons of health benefits from eating like humans did 10,000 years ago.

#1 No processed food. Simply put, cavemen didn’t have to worry about eating organic because everything was organic and natural without preservatives and artificial ingredients.

#2. It reduces bloat. Drinking water and avoiding salt are principles of the Paleo Diet.

#3. It’s high in fruits and vegetables. Besides protein, the majority of the Paleo Diet eating plan is made up of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

#4. High in healthy fats. The Paleo Diet is high in omega-3 rich fish and nuts.

#5 t’s filling. Between the proteins, the healthy fats and the fruits and vegetables, it’s hard to go hungry.

#6 Limits Fructose. The paleo diet recognizes that the human body digests fructose differently than other carbs. This is why the paleo diet suggests limiting and strategically choosing the perfect fruit.

#7 More Energy. Every wonder why energy drinks have become so popular? It’s because everyone’s diet sucks!

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