Tips for Starting Conversations With Men


If you have always wanted to walk up to a man and say hello, but have never had the confidence or self-esteem to before, then here are some good ideas.


The best way to introduce yourself is to simply wheedle your way up to where he is standing and say something like “so what do you think of the band?”  Actually it is even better to make it less general than that and say something like “Did you get a load of that base player’s long fingernails?”  Adding a touch of humor to your observations about where you are always helps break the ice.


Although they seem like stern forbidding creatures, most men can’t resist responding to a compliment about their clothes. Of course, don’t risk complimenting a man on something that looks kind of shoddy as in “nice comb over job with the hair, pal!”  Try making a nice remark about his cotton shirt, his shoes or even his cigarette lighter or cell phone.  Remember too, that your remarks should be tailored to what appeals to the masculine among us. Try a more flirtatious remark such as “I bet that rough stubble on chin feels a bit itchy” may not go amiss either.


Another icebreaker is to change the age-old rules and offer to light his cigarette for him. Most men are usually pleased to allow the lady to offer them this little indulgence. If he is not that type, then usually a spirited conversation usually follows this attempt any way!


Now this one is a bit dishonest, but I believe it has a great success rate. Try the old “don’t I know you from somewhere” line except twist it a bit to be phrased like “Hey how you doing! Did you enjoy the soccer game!”?  Then when he reveals he wasn’t there, go “oops” and say, “You mean you aren’t the guy that tripped me?” Then introduce yourself.  A sporting event is always a good choice because it makes him think that the two of you share compatible interests. Drama Queens could also try throwing a drink on the guy and then exclaiming “Ooops! “I thought you were someone else.”  Then you have a great opportunity not only to talk with him but also dab his body thoroughly with a cloth.


Another line that men seem to like is “You seem like a challenge.”  This makes them feel all brave and daring, like the Count of Monte Cristo. This is a good follow up line if you do say hi to a man you think is interested but then he just looks at you and doesn’t respond. At the very least, that kind of line makes the laugh, but most of them can barely conceal their broad smile at being perceived as a rebel and loner.


Remember you are a reflection of him and you must be the most flattering depiction possible.

The “It’s Not About You” Relationship Lesson

One of the most valuable lessons you can learn in life is to not take the actions of others personally.  Every guru from Parahamansa Yogananda to Elizabeth Clare Prophet to John De Ruiter has used this phrase  – “it’s not about you” – to help remind people that humans are fallible and not to be counted on.  Once you fall into blaming other people for all of your problems then you are falling into the blame game.


The problem with playing the blame game is that you often end up harming another because you are subconsciously wishing them to suffer as you do. You may even wish poverty or sickness on them or to wait for something from them. This is a fine way to curse you. The sad thing about this hall of mirrors is that very often people think they are being cursed by the bad energy from the very person they have been jealous of or badmouthing!


There is a lot of a power in words, so you need to be careful how you discuss and label problematic situations. The one value of criticism of others however is that often; we tend to despise in others what we dislike about ourselves. The next time you feel the urge to criticize someone, look to see if you suffer from that very same flaw and try to correct it.


Sometimes, we simply make erroneous judgment calls. Bad consequences often follow incorrect actions. If you don’t have enough money to pay bills, it may not be the result of karma. God is not necessary punishing you. It may simply mean that you shouldn’t have bought that expensive pair of shoes when you knew you had to pay the rent and then expect someone else to bail you out for it at the last minute.


If you want to improve your payback from the universe, then it is time to reconsider what you are investing in the whole matter in the first place. Are you investing pride, jealousy and ego and expecting tenderness, kindness and respect in return? Invest in those virtues that you want to multiply. Cultivate the things that you want to grow. Weed everything that does not fit in with your intentions. This also means weeding out any false expectation or greed that you may be harboring when it comes to dealing with other people.


The best way to show faith is to have faith in yourself and the idea that you can handle anything that comes your way on your own with guidance from your Higher Self and without recrimination or blame to others who may disappoint you.

How to Be A Good House Guest

If you have been invited to stay at a friend’s house or cottage for a few days there are definitely some rules of etiquette you should follow in order to be a good house guest.


As a rule of thumb it is always appropriate to bring some kind of gift for the house when you arrive. This can be flowers, a centerpiece for the table or a bottle of wine. Chocolates, a picture of some sort in a frame or an item for the person’s garden is also usually appreciated. This gives your host a keepsake that will help remind him or her of your visit.  A jar of homemade jam or cookies you have made also makes a nice gift.  Make sure the gift is appropriate.  For instance, do not bring a jug of sugary lemonade to a diabetic host’s home.


Before you enter a home always ask if you should take off your shoes. This is not mandatory in most homes but the offer to remove them is a sign of honor and respect for your friend in many cultures.


Remember that being someone’s house guest is not the same as being in a hotel. There are no maids and you will be expected to clean up after yourself. Making your own bed, picking up after yourself and wiping up spills in the bathroom is expected.  To impress your hostess make your bed as neatly as possible.  Be sure to throw any towels you have in a laundry hamper.  Do not leave anything in a heap and make sure that all of your clothes are hung up and not draped over the bed or chairs.


To be a good houseguest you should also ask permission before you use any major appliance or tool in the home including the washer or dryer, dishwasher or vacuum cleaner. If you do end up borrowing something from your host (like a blow-dryer) you should always put it back just as you found it. This is especially important because sometimes appliances are finicky or even dangerous to use because they are broken.


It is also polite to offer to do simple chores for your host such as set the table, dry the dishes or sweep the floor. Offering to take care of these little tasks can go a long way to getting you invited back to your guest’s home for a second visit.  It is also a lovely gesture to send a thank-you card back to your host to show them how much you appreciate their invitation. Be sure to send it by mail and not by email — before you know it you will be invited back!

Are You Dreaming of Love?

Who knew that so much of what we dream about is actually related to our relationships, sex and love.  Are you dreaming of the following topics lately?  Who could be that the new tube of lipstick you are dreaming about means something quite different.


Apple –  To dream of eating an apple or share one can mean that you will have sex in the future.

Bee – To dream of bees or being stung by a bee symbolizes fertility and attraction to the opposite sex.

Buttons – Finding or sewing buttons can be an omen that a relationship is in your future.

Clock – To dream of a clock symbolizes an awareness of your biological clock ticking especially if you want to have a child.

Diamond – This can foretell the end of a relationship rather than an engagement.

Dressing – If you dream of dressing up and especially if you dream of being dressed by someone than it means that they are attracted to you.

Drum – To hear drums or dream of them can mean sexual attraction.

Egg- This can mean the beginning of a new relationship or even that a pregnancy is in the offing.

Fog – You may feel lost in a relationship or cut off.

Frog – To dream of a frog can mean you really will meet a prince soon.

Garden – To dream of meeting someone in a garden can mean you will be friends or lovers soon.

Hair – If you dream of brushing your hair or the hair of someone else it can mean that you will be having an erotic experience soon.

Ice –To dream of ice can mean the end of a relationship or a period of sadness or isolation.

Infidelity – To dream about an infidelity is usually more of a dream about being Kitten – To dream of stroking a kitten means that you will be making love soon.

Mirror – To dream of a mirror in your bedroom can mean that someone is being unfaithful to you.

Rabbit – To dream of a bunny can portend that you are pregnant. It can also mean a repressed sex drive.

Rats –This can subconsciously mean that you are aware of an infidelity or that your relationship is in trouble.

Rose – Dreaming of a rose can be an omen that a true love will soon find you.

Underwear – This can symbolize guilt about sex or feeling uncomfortable about it.

Water – Water is fluid and symbolizes the embrace of the lover or the beloved.

Wine – This can mean that a relationship is about to become closer or more intimate.

Yawn – To dream that you are yawning could portend great physical and sexual gratification.