Quick at home workout

Many women fall in to this crazy lifestyle where you are constantly running around trying to get things done between work, kids, cooking, cleaning, husband and little time to even think of working out and staying fit. And perhaps, the gym isn’t an option for you.  You are not alone! Incorporating an easy home workout into your life is so important and staying healthy.  So, my advice to you is to maintain a healthy diet that is easy to follow, stay away from making your exercises become a routine, do not keep doing an exercise that you hate; it’ll make you quit instead explore different kinds of exercises.  One mistake exercisers often make is doing the same workout over and over again; vary your routines every couple of weeks.  Drink lots of water throughout the day.  Our brain consists of 90% water drinking a healthy amount of water is vital to your health, if you do not supply enough water to your body, your brain cannot function well, and you will get headache or migraine.

Total Home Workout

This total body workout allows a basic outline for targeting the entire body–chest, shoulders, arms, back, legs and abs in the comfort of your home.  It’s great for exercises that are looking for simple home workouts.

Set the mood!

Have your music ready, this will keep you entertain during your workout and will create a nice pleasant environment. Music isn’t always an option if you are a TV lover the commercial breaks exercises will work for you.

Equipment needed

Exercise mat, exercise ball, resistant band or weights and just a floor! I prefer my mat on a hardwood floor rather than a carpet.


Before beginning any new physical exercise let your doctor know about your new activity.

Warm up for 5 minutes light cardio and follow up with a light stretch, stretching still warms up your muscles, allowing you to get the blood flowing more quickly. This will avoid any injury.

Time to work out!

Shoulders Hold light-medium weights and, keeping elbows slightly bent; lift arms out to the sides to shoulder level. Lower and repeat.

Back Extension (Lower Back) Lie face down and squeeze the lower back to lift your chest a few inches off the floor.  Lower and repeat.

Push-ups Start doing a modified push. Just get on your knees and put your hands on a table and do your workout at a more upright position as to make the movements much less stressful.  Do as many as you comfortably can and pick it up as you go day by day.

Ball Crunch (abs) Lie down with the exercise ball under the lower/mid-back.  Squeeze the abs to lift the shoulders off the ball in a crunch.  Lower and repeat.

Bicycle (abs) Lie on the floor and bring the knees into the chest.  Straighten the right leg as you twist the body, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee.  Repeat on the other side in a cycling motion.

Thigh work out- (butt, Quadriceps and hamstrings) – Lean head, shoulders, lower back, and butt against a wall, with feet about 18 inches in front. Keeping knees hip-width apart, slide down the wall until you are in a chairlike position. Your legs should not go any lower than a right angle to the floor. Hold position for 30 seconds; work up to five minutes.

Don’t forget!

Finish up with 5 minutes stretch, Stretching can be long and boring, but it really helps! We all know fitness is part of our life which is very important. Everyone knows which exercise suits him/her don’t get discourage and have fun!