Edible Flowers That Can Be Used As Cocktail Garnishes

Perhaps the biggest trend of all in cocktail garnishes is the use of edible flowers to garnish the cocktail. Here is a comprehensive list of edible flowers and what drinks best suit the blossom.


Alliums (- Known as the “Flowering Onions.” These include onion, garlic, chives, ramps, and shallots.  These spears with purple flower heads are great for any Bloody Caesar or Mary.


Apple Blossoms – Apple Blossoms have a delicate floral flavor and can be used to garnish martinis or cocktails made with brandy.


Borage – These blue star-shaped flowers taste like cucumber. They are good in bloody drinks and gin and tonics.


Calendula – Also called Marigolds.  This spicy edible flower, which tastes like saffron, can turn a Bloody Mary into more of an Orange Mary.


Carnations – Carnation petals are the perfect garnish to decorate any drink made with chartreuse.


Chrysanthemums – These tangy, slightly bitter buds add a kind of Asian flavored twist to tomato-based cocktails.


Citrus blossoms (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, kumquat) – Use these highly scented waxy petals sparingly to decorate everything from champagne cocktails to screwdrivers to Old Fashioneds.


Clover – The sweet, mild licorice taste of clover buds goes well with Sambuca.


Dandelions – This peppery blossom from the daisy family can be dropped into a tomato cocktail.


Dill – Bright yellow dill flowers look great floating in a Bloody Mary.


Geranium Blossoms –  These bright pink blossoms are peppery look great frozen in ice cubes and added to tall clear drinks.


Impatiens – These multicolored flowers belong to the edible violet family and can be used in any cocktail.


Lavender  – Sweet, floral flavor, with lemon and citrus notes. The flowers look beautiful and taste good too in a glass of champagne.


Lemon Verbena – These cream-colored citrus-scented blossoms add a kick to gin and tonic or gin and soda.


Marjoram –  The tiny pinkish flowers can be sprinkled sparingly on top of a tomato-based cocktail.


Mint -. Mint can be used to garnish any cocktail you like whether it be savory or sweet. They are particularly pleasant in rum based cocktails such as the Mojita.


Nasturtiums –  This peppery multi colored blossom peps up a Bloody Mary.


Roses –  The flavor of a rose can depend on its variety but they can range in taste from strawberry to green apple-like to minty to peppery.  They look great frozen in ice cubes and added to a drink.


Sage – The flowers are violet-blue, pink or white clusters and suit a Bloody Mary best.


Violets – These purple blossoms have sweet distinctive flavor and compliment most clear drinks, especially if they are frozen in ice cubes.