Wearing Wedding Flowers in Your Hair

One of the nicest of trending spring and summer wedding fashions is to wear a tiara of blooms in your hair. This is so much more spiritual than wearing a crown of pearls and rhinestones on your head. Pearls and rhinestones are much more suited for the winter months. In the Spring it is important to look vibrant and youthful and fresh.


If you wear a wreathe of flowers at your wedding it means that you do not have to wear a veil.  Without any kind of veil you will look like an Occupy Love style flower child bride. If you add the veil to a tiara of flowers the look suddenly looks more like it is from the fifties and sixties.  A shorter veil that is more like a tuft than a drape looks good with a fresh flower crown.


Tiaras are beautiful but instead of wearing a crown of blooms you might consider wearing flowers woven into a braid or a bun.  This is a simple and elegant look that is easy to achieve. Single blooms can also easily be added to a clip or a barrett.  Some brides prefer to wear just one large bloom in their hair or behind their ear.  This is a custom that is very common to Hawaii.  The hair must also be very sleek and well-groomed for this look to succeed. Of course make sure that the flower is not too large. You don’t want everybody staring at the giant blossom in your hair instead of you on the big day!


In the Western World women tend to wear smaller flowers in their hair.  Traditionally these flowers can tend to be white or a pastel color. However nowadays you see brides wearing brightly colored and even dyed flowers in their hair including orange, blue and even green blooms.  Miniature roses, calla lilies and orchids look nice in a bride’s hair. However, if you wanted to be very traditional then email gardenias, roses, orchids and lilies. If you want a retro look then be sure to wear mums, chrysanthemums or daisies in your hair.  The yellow and white combination is very reminiscent of brides striding down the aisle in mid- century America.


If you fear that your flowers might wilt on the big day  then there is absolutely no harm in using silk replications.  Silk flowers are very well made these days and look just like the real thing.


Wind chimes look beautiful and sound beautiful. They are manufactured from every material imaginable now so there is a type of wind chime to suit every type of personality.


One thing that is even more important than how a wind chime looks is to consider how it sounds.  Like anything you buy there are both high quality and low quality wind chimes.   If amazing acoustic noise is important tan you might want to go for a high quality set of piano type wind chimes that are made of brass, nickel, aluminum or a metal alloy. These types of wind chimes hang in a lateral way and are constructed out of hollow tubes. Each tube has its own unique tone that harmonizes with the rest. You can get these in versions that are as large as organ pipes or as tiny as a kid’s piano. .


If the gift is for a child then you can buy all kinds of wind chimes that are made from many kinds of interesting materials including precious stones, metals and plastic. Many of the plastic versions feature translucent cartoon characters or happy motifs that are meant to knock together in the wind. You can even buy wind chimes that you can wind up or plug in so that they rotate over a baby’s cradle.


If you need a gift for a nature lover then get wind chimes made out of natural materials such as petrified wood, or sea shells. Wind chimes made out of agate slices have a particularly pleasant sound.


If the person you are buying the gift for is really into Feng Shui cures then you can’t go wrong getting them a set of wind chimes that are made from hollow flumes of bamboo. When they clank together these bamboo rods make a particularly pleasing sound. They are also an ages old cure for dispersing bad energy. Wherever they are hung in the home they are bound to improve the auspiciousness of the area that the area symbolizes. For instance, bamboo chimes hung in the center of the home can go a long way to dispersing stagnant chi (energy) to do with health as the center of the home symbolizes the health sector.